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Take A Look At My Work


Is it ever possible to remove the stains tainted on your canvas? 

My work is a process where the layers are filled with marks, 

stain and taintedness are being contained, restrain with the overpowering lies of shame and guilt. Which led to the start where it evolves into another level and stage where growth takes place which surpasses through the layers and layers of the past, shame and guilt turning darkness into light where it is how healing occurs not from removing it but embracing and accepting it allowing the process of healing to take place to the areas that we're longing to be healed. 

The intensity and overpowering flow of lines spreading and growing reaching out from the centre spreading all across covering and piercing through each layer of the work signifying the idea of fading and surrendering that was previously contained in the first layer till where it is now fading, reaching out towards the hope of salvation where the strongholds and the past no longer ties you down and now being set free.

Seed Of Life

My idea revolves around the word Salvation focuses on deliverance from ruin and loss that nature needs redemption due to the destruction of mankind and the longing to bringing back the purity of nature and the presence of nature. Hence, through this project, I am exploring the idea of returning back to nature using myself as a medium of representing nature of life where all things revive back to their original state combining humanity and nature as one representing ‘ Seed of Life”.

"Emunah” in the Hebrew language is understood in English to mean “faith” or “belief” yet, it describes much more than just believing a statement but reveals a life of full reliance and hope upon the saviour in Christianity religious ideology. 

Inspired by this word it reminds me of the feeling of Voidness during a difficult stage of life where Void is a feeling of rejection and objection drowned by the overwhelming presence of darkness left alone facing all of the discrimination and objection that is reflected upon the layer of canvas which enhances the corruption of darkness upon the self. Hence this piece of work shows a process of struggles holding on to the values and convictions in life. Leading to the journey of breakthrough and freedom from the hold of objection visible in the overflowing form of a butterfly that each carries the idea of “Emunah” breaking through the canvas extending beyond darkness to light.


“You have given so much. You have worked so hard. You have fought through so many things just to make it here. I think it's brave that you get up in the morning even if your soul is weary and your bones ache for a rest. I think it is brave that you keep on living even if you don’t know how to anymore. I think it is brave that you push away the waves rolling in every day and you decide to fight.”


Through rewinding back in time to the moment of fear, lost and pain like the stains and marking form onto each layer of the veil each holds a significant memory of their past signifying its individuality. A work that reunited voices of the broken, lost and hurt bringing their unheard stories too light. For though once it was filled with darkness and never-ending fights. Will they continue to fight? Or will they flight? A question to ponder. A question to be answered.Hence, through this work the layer by layer veil that was filled with stains of ink was a representation of their scars and battle made visible through a short video edit documented and projected onto the veil that was done by the interviewee on their own interpretation of their past through the use of ink and gestures shown in the video represented their vulnerability and transparency to bring darkness to light so that other’s could be inspired and impacted by their stories.


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